Last week he asked me if I could make him a new lunch tote and then asked if he could pick out the fabrics. So one evening last week we headed over to Jo-Ann's fabric and picked up the 1/2 yard of Star Wars fashion fabric, 1/2 yard of Hoffman black sky lining and 1 yard of cool handle webbing all for $8.18! Love my JoAnn's coupon app!! The zipper and all the interfacing were from my stash.

I knew that in order for this to be a successful lunch tote that I was going to have to beef it up. I used some of the techniques that I have learned in making Amy Butler handbags and modified Simplicity 8331 view A. View A worked perfect for a lunch tote because the zipper goes almost halfway down the sides so there is easy access.
Modifications I made were to change the depth of the bag from 4 in to 6 in to better fit the reusable lunch containers that he likes to use, change the zipper insertion and change the interfacing. For the interfacing on the fashion fabric front,back and bottom/side piece I used both fusible fleece and a heavy weight fusible interfacing. For the lining I also interfaced with heavy weight fusible. Fr the bottom I also used a very heavy piece of interfacing that I cut to fit the bottom and secured by sandwiching between layers of fusible to the fashion fabric so that it would not shift.

All of that translated into the lunch tote taking twice was long to make due to all the interfacing to be cut and fused! It was completely worth it in the end. The tote is nice and sturdy and will stand up well over time. I also decided to spray the lining with 2 coats of ScotchGuard to help with cleanup of spills.

Most importantly my Hubby LOVES it!
- Posted by Steph from my iPad
Location:Albany,United States
It''s quite impressive.