The fall colors did not disappoint and the dogs enjoyed themselves.

The weather was CRAZY! By the end of the weekend we were the ONLY tent campers left in the entire place. It was quite peaceful. We started with a very chilly Friday evening/night with a wear all the clothes and bundle up in the sleeping bag type of night. Saturday morning was overcast but beautiful and we got in some walks. The plan was to head out on a hike after lunch, Mother Nature had a different idea and sent us a nice long thunderstorm! So we change our plans and played some games at the picnic table which we had set up under a jimmy rigged dining tent. The rain stopped in time for dinner and we had a beautiful evening with the temps feeling 15 degrees warmer than the day before.

Late Saturday night after we were all bunkered down for the night we had a wind storm. It was crazy loud! It sounded light freight trains barreling through the forest and down the river. At about 5 am we all had to scramble to get the dining tent back under control. Even with staking down the tent a wind gust was to strong and the entire thing started to blow away.

Sunday was warm but windy! We had a nice breakfast and just got the tents packed up when the rain started again. So much for the hike we wanted to get in... By the time we got home Sunday afternoon there were tornado warnings!
I had a blissful night of sleep last night! All the fresh air and activity wore us all out :)
- Posted by Steph from my iPad
Location:Kickapoo Sate Park near Danville, IL
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