I have 4 half pints of hot pepper jelly sitting in my fridge and hopefully, keeping my fingers crossed, in the morning when i check it it will have set.
I also made a batch of zucchini bread and muffins, yummy!

The garden is doing well, although most of the cucumber plants have had enough and are done fruiting, except for the lemon cucumbers. They are going strong.

The sunflowers have finally started flowering and have now reached an estimated 15 feet!

The girls enjoyed the nice weather today:)

And goodies came in the mail, I love when goodies come in the mail! Now I finally have enough 1 inch hexagon paper pieces for my multi year project. I also got a small pack of 1/2 inch hexagon paper pieces to use for making Christmas ornaments.

- Posted by Steph from my iPad
Location:Lisle, il
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