
Day one:

Day five:

Final result:

I went out to take some pictures today the sun was brightly behind me and I had some fun shadow play.

The darned rabbits have struck again and in one day decimated almost all of my green beans. One last layer of chicken coop wire fencing went up today. Now unless they dig down 10inches, are smaller than 1 in or can jump 3 feet high they will not be getting in the garden.

Luckily it is early enough in the season that I pulled all the rabbit chopped plants and replanted new seeds for the green beans and the sugar snap peas. I also planted a second crop of green onions, more spinach and of course more radishes. The cucumbers, summer squashes, tomatoes and eggplants are all producing beautifully.
Now that the garden is in full summer swing the birds have discovered both the bugs and the tender young seedlings. I made a bird deterrent from old CD's strung together and hung them over the spinach which seems to be their favorite! The sun plays off the CD's and is supposed to scare away the birds. We shall see if it works.

My (adult) daughter Melissa and her friend Lauren were kind enough to pose for me under my massive growing sunflowers! Still no flowers on them yet but you can see them forming in the middle.

Blue and Holly both found a nice spot on the lawn to roll in, those hound dogs just love to get all stinkied up!!

- Posted by Steph from my iPad
Location:Lisle, IL
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