Monday, July 23, 2012

Quilting with my serger

I have decided to try doing some quilting with my serger. One of the ladies that runs serger club does most of her quilt piecing using her serger. So I thought, why not give it a try. Although... I must say my lovely Symphony is sending me dirty looks. LOL

I have been wanting to make an easy pieced picnic quilt with a cotton top and a more impervious back to it so wet grass or dirt won't be a staining problem. I have plenty of 1000 denier nylon left over from my days with horses so I thought I try out this project.

I am doing a simple pinwheel block that measures 10 inches and making 2 sets of blocks from stash fabric. I am honestly not worrying about making the blocks match perfectly at the angles. This is a bit of an experiment to see what I can really get away with on my serger! I am serging away with old seasons of Bones playing on my iPad while I work. SUPER relaxing and fun!

- Posted by Steph from my iPad

Location:Lisle, IL


  1. Looks like they came out very good on your serger. I've tried quilting on my serger but my results were not so good. I know it is faster but my accuracy suffers.

    1. Thanks Joyce! I am very happily surprised with the accuracy, I am thinking it may have to do with my comfort in using the serger (i have been trying to use it more and more) and that this model is just lovely :)


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