The sewing room has remained pretty quiet the past couple of weeks. My work travel has been extra busy, I had. A lovely summer bug all last weekend and this past long weekend was spent half in the gardens and half with friends. A perfect way to pass my holiday weekend!
My vegetable garden is finally planted! This year I am a little late which means quite late since the weather has been unseasonable warm this spring. I probably could have planted a month ago, but I was just not ready.

I did a couple new things this year. I used cardboard and straw for mulch, hope to keep the weeds at bay and will add a good mulch at the end of the season. I also repurposed some 'junk' to be used in the garden. I took an old metal frame, wrapped it in chicken wire and then cut some junk wood pieces as supports for the other side to make it into an A-frame. Then tied twine from the top to a metal rod (from the old antennae on our roof) on the ground.

The chicken wire side has cucumbers planted to climb up the side and the twine side has green beans planted. I'm excited to see how it works out!
I also reused another piece of the antennae for the winter acorn squash. I have noticed in years past that they like things to climb on and it keeps the squash nice if they are off the ground and it also helps define the garden area. Having interesting things to look at makes it interesting.

Hopefully, all the work to rabbit proof the garden has been successful. Those little buggers are cute but very, very frustrating when they decide to start eating everything in the garden! Last year we had so many that they even decimated my hosta plants.
Here are some pictures.

- Posted by Steph from my iPad
Location:Lisle, IL
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